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Original Characters and Settings

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Creating things is fun, particularly characters and stuff. Though I'll often spin up a totally new character for a game, I also have a stable of OCs I'll often use when they feel pretty appropriate for a setting or concept. I've also tried my hand at worldbuilding from time-to-time, with mixed levels of success.

Original Characters

Perrine "Theurge" Yeong / Perrine Schweizer

Though possessing a cold and analytical streak that makes her seem outright emotionless, beneath her stoic exterior is a surprisingly clutzy individual with a vain streak about her.

Systems: Starfinder, Pathfinder, Cyberpunk, Lancer.

Lofn Enfield

Optimistic and good-natured, Lofn is an energetic soul who wants to see all there is in the world and simply wishes to live life to its fullest. Her curious nature usually draws her towards the latest technologies or the arcane arts.

Systems: Pathfinder, Starfinder.

Lofn Iovinae

An alternative version of Lofn designed for a Ravenloft game, Lofn Iovinae is an Armiger of the Hellknight Order of the Pike, stoic and resolute in her hunt for those beasts who would threaten the lives of the innocent.

Systems: Pathfinder.

Gaelyn Soder

Though seemingly rather oblivious and naive in her nature, this quite young woman often defies expectations when push comes to shove and the time comes to take action, showing a surprising proclivity towards heroics.

Systems: Pathfinder, Starfinder.


A Tiefling born of Oni blood, Ito is a boisterous, free-spirited young woman who earns her coin busking and performing, though said earnings usually end up pretty promptly spent on flayleaf and placing bets...

Systems: Pathfinder.

Si-Eun "Cobalt" Heo

Formerly a corporate paramedic working to provide her ailing parents with the medication they needed, an incident saw her team sacked to save face, forcing her to resort to the life of a cyberpunk to make ends meet.

Systems: Cyberpunk, Starfinder, Lancer.

Euler Athens / Euler "Foxglove" Athens

A smug prick with the skills to back up his attitude, Euler is a rogueish young man as comfortable working in the spotlight as he is in the shadows.

Systems: Pathfinder, Starfinder, Cyberpunk, Lancer.

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