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Who are you?

I'm ValkyrieSkies, though most of my friends just call me Valk! You'll see me going by valkyrianskies on a few platforms owing to the difficulty in snagging unique usernames that aren't filled with numbers though. I'm a terminally online Irish netizen born in 1995 who's spent a more than significant amount of my life immersed in nerdy hobbies like gaming, roleplaying games, technology, anime & manga, and other such stuff. I have a habit of getting deeply invested into things that I really enjoy and I love exploring both the technical and creative aspects involved in the creation of media. While I haven't created anything of note thus far, some day I'd like to get something out there!

What's the site for?

I kinda hate what the modern internet has become - so obsessed with responsive web design underpinned by complicated scripts and needless bloat. I wanted to recapture the simple, elegant design of the old internet I grew up with so I could have a place to jot down and store my thoughts and ramblings without it being lost in the unsearchable void as so often happens with older posts made on modern social media. This site requires no cookies, it's purely a passion project of mine to put to use some skills that've sat dormant for far too long and to commit some thoughts and ideas to text just so they don't end up forgotten in the future.

AI Art Disclosure

I often make use of NovelAI's image generation to generate images to represent OCs/NPCs in tabletop RPGs and similar recreational mediums. I do this purely for personal amusement and better expression of my ideas and make no claim of this involving any actual artistic talent. I do not use AI image generation in any for-profit capacity. It saddens me to see that so many bad actors have immediately jumped onto such a fascinating new tool to use it for malicious, greed-driven purposes and it goes without saying that I do not condone its use for the many scummy practices that have sprung up regarding it.

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