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[Character] Perrine

AI Imagery Disclosure: The content on this page makes use of AI-generated images. Please see the About page for my full statement on my use of AI-generated images.

Serving as my avatar on most social media platforms, websites, and other such things, Perrine could only be described as my primary OC. Nearly always depicted as an Android or an inhuman race with a skew towards the logical and reduced emotional display, there's almost certainly a part of myself and my relationship with my own autism present within her. The sinister glowing red eyes are a very important charm point, nod nod.

Pathfinder (Golarion) Lore

An image of a portrait frame containing an AI-generated image of a woman drawn in watercolour style with black twintailed hair, red eyes, glasses, a flat emotionless expression, and wearing drab black robes.

Name: Perrine Novellius
Species: Aphorite
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5'4"
Class: Psychic Detective (Investigator Archetype)

An odd woman in multiple regards, Perrine's dispassionate and seemingly emotionless demeanour as well as her odd physical quirks such as the striking metallic sheen her hair possesses and pale skin which seems to glimmer with crystalline motes in bright light reveal her nature as an Aphorite, a planar scion suffused with the essence of Law. Beneath this seemingly unapproachable facade however is a woman driven by strong passions and a burning desire to better know and understand the world around her. Serving her in her quest of discovery is a rare aptitude for the occult magical arts as well as honed engineering skills.

Born to the Molthuni locksmith Emmet Novellius and Chelish archivist Livia Faustina, Perrine’s childhood in the apartment above her father’s store, The Clockwork Lockworks, was rather uneventful until her mother passed away of a rather sudden heart attack when she was 7 years old. Though raising a child and running a business at the same time wasn’t exactly ideal, Emmet was able to manage thanks in part to Perrine being a rather quiet child who was more than happy to simply spend her time reading through her mother’s extensive library or observing her father practice his craft.

It was in her adolescent years when she began trying her own hand at the family trade that she began to notice the occurrence of strange phenomena - lock pins sliding into place without her even touching them, the locations of lost objects suddenly appearing in her mind when she went to look for them, odd whispers from people that only she could seem to hear, and so on. Never one to simply accept something as it was, she began devoting her time that wasn't spent learning the family craft to researching the arcane and eventually the occult with the aim of discovering just what she was capable of.

Now in her twenties, both of Perrine's pursuits have borne fruit - years of practical experience and a natural inclination towards the structured and orderly have made her into a talented engineer already, and her studies of esoterica have granted her a solid foundational understanding of the occult art of psychic magic. With a modest sum of gold amassed, the Aphorite woman has decided the time has come to broaden her horizons beyond her home and discover just what mysteries lay out there in the world. Perhaps a visit to one of the Pathfinder Society's lodges could prove an enriching experience and a stepping stone towards future adventure…